| Understanding Museum Architecture for Digital Experiences

Μακρά Διάρκεια

Longue durée​

Ωρολόγιο Ανδρόνικου Κυρρίστου​

The media project in the Tower of the Winds uses projection of animations and graphics in the interior space of the monument, combined with music, sound effects and narrative sections. It fuses building and projection to reveal the ancient monument’s layers of history, and communicate the coming together of very different people, cultures and functions. 

Inspired by Fernand Braudel’s concept of “Longue durée” (a perspective on history that extends deep into the past), the key concept for the digital content design is that of long duration, both in the sense that the monument has to do with thousands of years of history, and our time-based media installation reflect this; and in the sense of slowing down the time of “reading” and prolonging visitors time of stay in the monument, by attracting attention to meaningful details and heightening the sense of being physically present in it.